Mr.Cools' Planet - Welkom! Welcome!

Traveling and Writing
This website is about traveling and writing. Being on the move and being emotionally moved. Two different but interconnected things. Spotting places and losing your heart. Temples, pyramids, cities and ruins, forests and mountains, valleys and rivers, volcanoes and lakes, daily life in the streets, the world as habitat for writing.
Read on: In the year 2000

The Author
Derk Cools was born in 1939 in Den Haag / The Haque, the Netherlands. He got his degree in social geography and economics at the University of Utrecht(1958). As a civil servant with the Ministry of Economic Affairs, he developed expertise in regional (economic) planning at home and abroad. In 1994, he retired and moved to the Netherlands Antilles, the island of Curacao. Read on: Since 1995, he traveled

05 mei 2010

Walking in Kula Lumpur

Yesterday I  walked from the hotel to the center of Kuala Lumpur - downtown and its many malls. I left the air conditioned lobby and crossed the dangerously busy street and I made it. Behind my back already the storm of cars, scooters and motorbikes on the way to the next traffic light, intensifying the tropical heat of midday by its murderous speed and exhaust fumes. I passed through a quarter of Chinese restaurants, one next to the other, men moving chairs and tables, women cleaning floors, lazy looking laundries with sleeping women, beauty parlors, balconies lining up drying laundry row after row, and in the streets an army of girls offering the old man sweet massage, dirty dreams and more.  I followed the shade of the skytrain flyeover and entered a high building, a  modern, tall,  recently built mall. The escalators crossed the wide inner space of the huge pavilion and launched me as a consumer to all floors. However, I roamed around as a stranger, an insect lost in the woods, not as a shopper. I loved to see the windows, the reflection of the insect and to enter the open shops. I looked around as if I was the only visitor, highly concentrated, fully energized, an official out of office. The girls of the shops  watched me and turned around. I would like to buy everything. That's what they observed. A hopeless insect of another planet. They smiled and looked away. Something was wrong.They knew.

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